The future is uncertain but…uncertainty is at the very heart of human creativity.
In the current climate there is a lack of uncertainty around the challenges we face and for how long. This can cause us to feel overwhelmed and powerless. Career coaching can support you through these times.
“It isn’t just the magnitude of this shock that is unprecedented but the uncertainty surrounding almost every facet of it—uncertainty that is corrosive in its own right.” recent quote in Wall Street Journal
We cannot underestimate our ability to adapt and draw on the wide range of resources that we have at our disposal. In the words of Charles Darwin, “it is not the strongest that survives but those most adaptable to change.”
Research has shown that the brain has a degree of plasticity – we can adapt to change. This has been demonstrated in the amazing creativity and resourcefulness shown throughout the 12 weeks of lockdown.
Here are six career coaching strategies you can take to help you move forward and handle uncertainty:
1. Acknowledge the distress
The reality is we are under pressure from many different sources, work, schooling, parenting, financial…etc. Acknowledge the anxiety and pressure you are feeling. If our brains are focusing on the worries we are preventing it search for solutions and be creative. Talk to somebody or write your concerns down.
2. Review your circle of control
The trap is we can waste time and energy on the things we cannot control. Focus on what you can control and influence. Identify what you can control and what work out what steps you can take to move forward.
3. Create a road map for yourself
Create a plan. Getting things in perspective is very important. We will get through this – time moves on. Think about what you want to achieve in the short, medium, and long term. This will help you think about possibilities, create goals and set a direction for yourself or your business.
4. Identify your strengths
If you don’t already know, find out what you are good at. If this is hard, ask others for feedback. There are ample resources online is a good tool. Accept what you are good at and use it!.
5. Create a personal development plan
What would be good for you to add to your tool kit? There are lots of free resources out there at the minute. Take time to think about what will help you progress in your career to develop your business.
6. Give yourself some slack
You cannot pour from an empty cup! It is important to remember to be easy on yourself. Work out what is it that you like to that helps you feel relaxed. We do our best thinking when we are relaxed. It gives our conscious brain a break and our subconscious brain a chance to be heard. Doing nothing can be a very creative space.
Remember it was Isaac Newton who discovered gravity by doing nothing sitting under a tree.
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