For any team to work effectively, it needs clarity and focus. Clarity so that team members know what they have to do – and focus to let them do it.

I’m an experienced coach and facilitator who can help your team get that clarity and focus. I’ll work with you to:

  • Identify what the team needs to achieve
  • Facilitate discussions on issues and concerns
  • Work out what needs to be put in place to overcome those issues and concerns
  • Facilitate problem solving by team members
  • Set milestones, objectives and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

Action Plan

Typical output from this will be an action plan for your team. I then work with the team on an on-going basis, to hold team members accountable for delivering the plan. Together we’ll monitor progress, review the plan and change it if necessary, as time moves on.

In addition, I can help you to improve the performance of the team. This includes:

  • Identifying gaps in the required skills, knowledge and experience to deliver the objectives
  • Helping team members get to know each other better – to get a better understanding of thinking styles, communication styles and ways of working
  • Understanding team dynamics and appreciating strengths
  • Developing how the team works together to increase effectiveness
  • Acknowledging success and addressing any issues

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Find out how I can build capability in your teams