Staying focused in times of change.
My name is Claire Bain I am an executive coach and I’ve been working with people for over 10 years to help them clarify where they want to go, what they want to achieve and support to get there.
Managing our time is a key personal development tool. Specifically in times of change.
In tImes of change and uncertainty, we often feel in danger and under threat. Our brains have been programmed since caveman days to constantly lookout for danger and threat so therefore we’re paying attention to the signals. It’s leading us to be very alert. I don’t know about you but I am feeling quite overwhelmed.
We are being bombarded with lots of information and uncertainty. Uncertainty about our financial situation, our work situation and our economic situation. The economic situation we’re also getting information on how best to spend your leisure time. This is leading me to constantly scan the environment and therefore I’m not being focused and productive.
What I have done is started to use a model called the Pomodoro. It’s a time management model and is based on the Italian word for tomato. Coming from the tomato shaped kitchen timer.
What it advocates is to break things down into small chunks. The Pomodoro model is giving yourself 25 minutes to do a task then a 5 minute break. In that 25 minutes you’re only focusing on what it is you want to do.
As you know it’s going to be a relatively short time so you can focus. It is a very very productive way of using your time. The theory is that you do 4 Pomodoros then take a 15 – 20 minute break
This can be used for work situations. It can be used for leisure situations and can be used to study. By breaking things down it makes it a lot more achievable. I personally get a lot of satisfaction from the sense of achievement. It also lowers that any anxiety, as you’ve got a lot more clarity on what it is you’re doing what you have achieved. Also if you’re over stretching yourself you can see if you’re being too unrealistic.
It’s important to be realistic and about what we can and can’t achieve and to be easy on ourselves.
I would really encourage you to think about using the Pomodoro Model and be easy on ourselves.
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